Allan Arbus said he felt like an ''outsider'' during the beginning of his time on M*A*S*H

"It was very difficult in terms of being the new kid in the class," said Arbus.

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

While much of the entertainment on M*A*S*H comes from the 4077th's off-the-wall behavior, every now and again the characters need an outside force to bring them back down to Earth. There are a variety of grounding characters that serve that purpose. People like Father Mulcahey and Colonel Potter were able to step in and provide the voice of reason.

In other cases, however, usually when a character is going through their own personal problems, Dr. Sidney Freedman is called in to help out.

Allan Arbus, who played Freedman, spoke about his character during an interview with The Arizona Republic, and he didn't mince words.

"I was called in to play a very small part, a very sour, bitter, impatient, and choleric man who was summoned to deal with Klinger and his aberration," said Arbus. "The part was very funny and very short. He was very funny but very sour. He was totally fed up with the war and still is."

As an actor, Arbus was excited at the prospect of joining a television show as successful as M*A*S*H but said that he felt like an "outsider" at the beginning of his time on set. "In the beginning, it was very difficult in terms of being the new kid in the class," said. Arbus. "The first two days of shooting I was terribly nervous. Certainly, everybody in the company tried to make me feel at home."

Arbus was lucky to have joined such a welcoming cast, as his isolation didn't last long. Moreover, he felt that he was playing a character he could identify with, and even admire.

"I think I'm somewhat like him, except I don't have his equanimity, I don't have his wit, I don't have his even temperedness," he said. I do think I have his feelings for people."

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HalCromwell 4 days ago
One of Mr. Arbus's last rolls was in the TV series In The Heat Of The Night where he played a psychiatrist.
WilliamJorns 8 days ago
I never got the impression that Sidney Freedman was "sour, bitter, impatient, or choleric" when he first appeared on MASH. He seemed (to me, at least) a bit preoccupied and formal in that first appearance. But as he came back and we got to know him, we saw his compassion, his wisdom, and an amazing tolerance for people like Maj. Burns and Col. Flagg as he dealt with them. Sidney Freedman became one of my favorite MASH characters because of how he cared for his patients and became (for want of a better phrase) a rock for them to cling to, emotionally, in the midst of all the madness and death to which they were exposed on a daily basis. Allan Arbus was truly a good actor because he was able to convey that strength and compassion in a such a way that you cared for Sidney like he was a real person - even though he was just a fictional character. May he rest in peace.
sagafrat69 9 days ago
I'd heard a story that one day during a break in filming Alda started to talk to Arbus about some personal issues. Arbus had to remind Alda that he was just playing a psychiatrist on t.v. Alan Arbus was perfect for that role. If he hadn't been an actor I suspect he would've made a great shrink. If I ever needed someone to help me with my mental state I would hope it would be someone like Freedman. It's always comforting to see him pop up in an episode. The night the finale aired Dr. Freedman says" Ladies and Gentleman please take my advice..." I think you know the rest from a very early episode of the series. I think it was the only time that night during the finale that I actually laughed.
KentuckyPhil69 9 days ago
Sid, I'm glad you got over your nerves... You are one of my favorite characters!!!
One of my favorite episodes is the one with the poker game and bonus appearance by Col Flagg.
BenSobeleone Otterette 8 days ago
Don't you mean Captain Halloran? or Captain Goldberg? or Captain Louise Klein? or Perkins CIA?
I'm right there with you 😝
How about Ling Chow, double agent? Flagg was certainly a favorite for me.
Ling Chow was a good one! Flagg's clown outfit must have been at the cleaners. (Ha!)
WordsmithWorks 9 days ago
I read somewhere that they offered Arbus a regular role as Sidney Freedman (that's two "ee"s, as in "freedom") and he declined. After Nurse Kelleye, Sidney was my favorite recurring character.
In his first appearance the character's name was Milton Freedman.
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