Buddy Ebsen preferred writing to acting

Acting wasn't Ebsen's only interest.

CBS Television Distribution

The unfortunate truth is that you need to work to survive, and while having a job isn't all fun and games, there are definitely some perks to it. You get all the free coffee you can drink, and if you're lucky, those coworkers of yours might just become your friends.

Still, many have said never to work in an industry that you truly love, because you might lose your passion for it.

It seemed like Buddy Ebsen was destined to become an actor, which might be why it's so strange that he actually had a different career in mind for himself. According to an article from the Fort Lauderdale News, Ebsen actually wanted to work as a writer, or as he put it, a scribbler.

"I'm a scribbler," said Ebsen. "And that's what I really want to do. I only got into acting because it was a way to make a living for my family. Actually, I grew up wanting to be a doctor but then the Florida land boom busted and the only thing I knew how to do was dance, and acting was a natural extension of dancing."

The article was published in 1965, and Ebsen would still be on The Beverly Hillbillies for a few more years. Still, he felt that it was important to prioritize his dream of becoming a writer.

"I'm going to concentrate on writing from here on," Ebsen said. "I want to write, not act. I don't have the compulsion to act. I wanted to quit the show last August, but CBS talked me into coming back. Now I guess I'll stay with the Beverly Hillbillies as long as it lasts. But that's the end of it. I'll never again do a series - only a guest spot now and then if it appeals to me."

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MrsPhilHarris 21 days ago
He got into acting because he had to make a living? 🤔 Surely something other than acting would be more stable.
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