Burt Reynolds' secret to romance: here's what set him apart from his peers

Go beyond the mustache.

The Everett Collection

Burt Reynold's effect on his admirers has long been a topic of discussion and speculation. What is it about him that appeals so broadly? Was it his rugged depiction of masculinity? Was it his voice? His mustache? It seems like every piece of writing about Burt Reynolds has to include something about what he means in the eyes of his enamored fanbase. He was a symbol and had a charm that shined through any screen he appeared on. 

While much has been said about Reynold's good looks, it may have been the way he carried himself that elevated his status as one of Hollywood's most desirable men. The 1983 biography Burt Reynolds by Sylvia Resnick positions the actor as someone who respected and understood women. Resnick states plainly that Reynolds was never "heard to make a chauvinistic remark, even in jest." While accounts closer to the source (namely his ex-wives) might contradict Resnick's portrait, the biography includes corroborative quotes from Reynolds himself that contrasted greatly with the male norm of the era.

"I do like women. Women have been nice to me from my mother on down. They have been terrific," said Reynolds.

Compared to a lot of men of that (or any) era, Reynolds comes across as downright feminist, whether he claimed the identity or not. While many similarly famous men revealed misogynistic behavior in interviews, Reynolds instead praised women and his relationships with them. He further distanced himself from his contemporaries when asked about why others didn't have the same reputation.

"Quite honestly, I think that most men don't really like women. They'd rather talk and tell jokes and play pool, confess, drink beer, and even cry with a man. I've always found that if you have the right relationship, you can have all those things with a woman. 

"It isn't the physical things about a woman that turn me on," he continued. "It's that subtle touch —the way a woman puts her hand on a man's arm or the way she crosses her legs— that tells it all."

So, according to Reynolds, what was the secret to his success in dating and love?

"Being comfortable with a woman and making her feel comfortable is the key to a good relationship. The kick I get is what I can give. I can't possibly have a relationship with someone just for my own pleasure. I like aggressive women. I like career women.

"What I get out of a relationship is what I give."

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sagafrat69 8 days ago
Men like Reynolds really don't like women frankly. He was incredibly mean and cruel to Sally Field when she became really successful and started winning Academy Awards.He was comfortable with women? He may have been a big star in his time but from what I've read about him over the years something wasn't quite right about him. Women can be suckers for a pretty face sometimes so no doubt he had many conquests in his life. I'm sure that many of those women would say he didn't give much of anything positive back to them.
Runeshaper 9 days ago
What you get is what you give. Sounds right to me! (-:
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