Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Aunt Bee's Romance"

In which there's something funny with Aunt Bee's beau!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 5: "Aunt Bee's Romance". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Where is Opie's class headed on a field trip?
  2. Opie is thrilled to learn he is a(n)__________.
  3. What's the last name of the gentleman who visits Aunt Bee?
  4. Andy declares that Aunt Bee looks good enough to take to...
  5. What does Roger say when he gives Aunt Bee her present?
  6. What's the nickname for a barbershop that Floyd doesn't understand at first?
  7. Roger implies that he'll need _____ to get out of Andy's hair.
  8. Where will Roger head when he's finished with his visit?
  9. Andy tells Roger he used to play, and was quite good at...
  10. What's the trick that gets repeated over two stymied handshakes?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Aunt Bee's Romance"

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Zip 2 days ago
Aunt Bee didn't have much luck in finding a good man in Mayberry.
TcbCarla 9 days ago
10/10! I couldn’t stand Roger Hanover!
mda 10 days ago
8/10. Roger Hanover was a real lowlife.
Dandaniels 13 days ago
8/10, I have my doubts that men wore suits as frequently as suggested by TAGS. Especially men the likes of Roger.
Wenatchee7 13 days ago
Didn't take the quiz. One of the worst episodes ever, couldn't stand Rodger.
Wendy57 14 days ago

With old friends like Roger, who needs enemies !
dm1bellamy 14 days ago
10/10 Roger was definitely irritating
IndianaRockz 14 days ago

There's Ain't Bee man-chasing again.....😉😁
paulbryars 14 days ago
8/10. I always thought the actor in this show was very good.
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