Dan Blocker called his Bonanza paycheck ''absolutely immoral''

Blocker got honest about how much money actors truly made.

CBS Television Distribution

Let's face it: Money is one of the most important things in all of our lives. Sure, there are more important things that money can't buy, but without a steady paycheck, you'd be more than right to stress out. Of course, sometimes you strike it big and get so wealthy that you don't even have to worry about money anymore; but what no one tells you is that by that time, you'll have a whole new set of problems to worry about.

Dan Blocker went from a teacher's salary to a television star's, and while he didn't feel like sharing exact numbers during an interview with the Chicago Tribune, it's safe to say that the difference in paychecks was pretty staggering.

To his credit, Blocker was aware of the luck and wealth he found himself in as a star on Bonanza, and as someone who had gone from rags to riches, he was one of the first people to say that actors weren't deserving of such a salary.

"There are people who work so much harder than I do for so much less," Blocker said. "Like every damned teacher in the country." He even called the amount of money he made "absolutely immoral." Even though his teaching days were over, Blocker was quick to praise the profession, citing its importance and terrible oversight of recognition from the public.

"Our values are all loused up," said Blocker. "A man who has devoted his life to what's important in life - children and their education - should be making twenty-five times what I do."

It's a compelling argument, and Blocker is as right today as he was back then.

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JERRY6 9 hours ago
he was just being honest imagine what the big boss made if they could afford to pay actors so well . Always been like that . The harder you work the less you get paid like teachers grade and high school teachers make nothing and work hard university profs make big $$ and assistants do all the work . our system is broken
Snickers 11 days ago
Wonder what Blocker would think of the actors making a million per episode now days
bmoore4026 12 days ago
He'd be called "woke" nowadays and I'd applaud him for it. In fact, from some of these articles I've read, several of these actors were more progressive thinking then than some people think now.
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