Dragnet and Adam-12 were the only shows on television that were permitted to use real police badges

Webb was committed to telling the truth in his shows.


Jack Webb worked hard to ensure that his crime shows portrayed the police department accurately and realistically. While that might have made his job harder as a director and creator, it was a method that he stood by throughout his career.

In shows like Dragnet and Adam-12, police consultants were often used to ensure that storylines were being portrayed faithfully. Martin Milner and Kent McCord often rode with police officers in an effort to prepare to play their Adam-12 characters.

"After several rides in different cars, you get a fairly good idea how a competent policeman reacts under very tense circumstances," said Milner during an interview with the El Paso Herald-Post.

These efforts weren't for nothing, as they awarded Webb's shows special privileges that other shows didn't have. For example, the article claimed that of all the television shows on air at that time, Dragnet and Adam-12 were the only shows where the actors were permitted to wear genuine police badges.

Because working on the series was a learning experience for both Webb and the actors, it made shows like Adam-12 that much better. It also taught those involved a great deal about what it was like to be a police officer.

"I was surprised to learn that a great deal of a police officer's time is devoted to investigating crime reports, running down leads, and mediating minor disputes," McCord said. "One policeman I met had never used his firearm in the line of duty and he was a veteran of nineteen years on the force."

Ultimately, the commitment to honesty in Webb's shows might have been a bit more work than expected, but it was well worth the trouble.

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jamdeib85 1 day ago
I enjoyed watching Dragnet and Adam-12. Joe Friday and Pete Malloy did an excellent job of solving crimes.
Wiseguy70005 19 days ago
By the 1980s many police would say Barney Miller was the most accurate cop show on the air even though it was a comedy. But it's on Antenna TV so I guess it doesn't count.
MarioNYC 19 days ago
I think there is a mistake in the good article: "...MEDITATING minor disputes" should be "...mediating minor disputes."
Or is that an accurate quote?
Avie MarioNYC 19 days ago
It's actually a technique for dealing with disputes between Buddhists.
gagegirl51 19 days ago
Well even though EMERGENCY! Isn’t on MeTV they also used real fire department badges. And FETV needs to quit showing five and six episodes of the same show and show more than one episode a day of EMERGENCY!
jtkrifkan2002 20 days ago
I still enjoy watching Adam-12 after all these years and I am old enough to remember it in its original run. My father loved the show, so it was on every week in our house. Our schools had an "Officer Friendly" program similar to "Police Officer Bill" from the LAPD which is often mentioned or depicted on the show. I remember how our "Officer Friendly" said that Adam-12 was as close to what his typical day was like as any police show on TV.
MaryMitch jtkrifkan2002 20 days ago
I never watched Adam-12 in its original run, but I have enjoyed watching it on MeTV. Dragnet is too stuffy, but Adam-12 just shows nice guys trying to do a tough job.
kkvegas jtkrifkan2002 19 days ago
I have great memories of watching Adam-12 in its original run with my dad.
HerbF 20 days ago
Simlarly, on THE F.B.I. (1965-1974) you only saw Lew Eskin (Efrem Zimbalist, Jr) showing his Credentals as they were also authentic, including being signed by FBI Director,J.Edgar Hoover - and they had to be secured when not being used, after every day of shooting and between seasons. When the show ended, they were marked "retired" and presented to Efrem who kept them framed in his study in his home till he passed away. J.Edgar Hoover personally insisted on authentic credentals as they would be seen on television weekly.
Didn't Nixon share similar hardware with Elvis?
Also, how about The FBI on MeTV?
Efrem The Z. Acts I-II-III-IV-Epilogue.
What could go wrong?
CaptainDunsel 20 days ago
"I was surprised to learn that a great deal of a police officer's time is devoted to investigating crime reports, running down leads, and meditating minor disputes," McCord said.

Are you *sure* you have that quote right, MeTV Staff?
MarioNYC CaptainDunsel 19 days ago
The officer is meditating – but not a minor dispute.
AgingDisgracefully 21 days ago
Good to know Reed and Malloy weren't serving and protecting while flashing badges found in Specially Marked Boxes of Trix.
MrsPhilHarris 22 days ago
This would be a great show to air at 7 pm along with Dragnet.
It will be coming on in the morning next Monday at 5:30am. 1 episode of Adam 12 is replacing The Flintstones.
Wow! The Flintstones haven’t been on very long at that time.
Is it leaving the 5 pm time slot?
No it isn’t. In fact the episode that airs at 5:30 am is starting from Season 1 Episode 1. But the episodes on in the afternoon/ evening pick right back up from where they left off. So Friday, July 26th they aired S 6 EP 15 &16. Monday, July 29th S 6 EP 17 but the second episode is S. 6 EP 23. Confused as to why it jumped several episodes.
WGH 22 days ago
I appreciated this article. I wish they had talked more about the police car, weapons that they carried, other parts of the uniform, etc.
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