Eleanor the cow was allergic to Eva Gabor in ''Green Acres''

"Everyone loved being with us."

MGM Television

As a rural show, Green Acres is home to many furry friends, including Arnold the Pig, and that horse that had plans to send his son to college! Luckily, every animal was well-loved by the series star, Eva Gabor, who played Lisa Douglas. In an interview with the Sunday News, Gabor spoke about her wiggly little costar, Arnold. "It was adorable. It loved me. Except that it wasn't a 'he,' it was a 'she,'" Gabor said. "You cannot train a 'he' pig. A 'he' pig is so stubborn that there is nothing you can do with it."

In an interview with the International Star, Frank Inn, Arnold's manager revealed that Arnold's adoration wasn't just limited to Gabor. "When the gang at the studio keeps pampering him, giving him parts of their lunch... then all he wants to do the rest of the afternoon is lie down in the corner and snooze," Inn said.

However, according to the Sunday News interview, Gabor once ran into an issue with another animal actor, Eleanor the cow.

You might remember Eleanor as the Douglas family cow, given early on in the first season of Green Acres. But off-screen, Eleanor reportedly took such an issue with the smell of Gabor's perfume that the actor had to be replaced by a stagehand extra when Gabor's face wasn't needed to be onscreen.

"It's one in a million." Gabor joked. "Everyone loved being with us."

Gabor called being on Green Acres "the most glorious time."

"I had the best six years of my life," the actor said. "I adored every minute of it." So happy was Gabor with her role as Lisa Douglas, she didn't even consider it real work. "Business can be great fun too. It all depends on how you do it," she said. "I have never done anything as a job. I enjoy everything I do."

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Runeshaper 3 months ago
You'd think she could change her perfume for the show?
seltaeb 3 months ago
If there's any truth to this story, I'm just wondering why Ms. Gabor couldn't have refrained from using any perfume while on the set?
zzyzx 3 months ago
Green Acres is the place to be. Farm living is the life for me. Land spreading out so far and wide, keep Manhattan and give that countryside.
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