Lauren Tewes had the nicest response to critics of The Love Boat

Critics were not in love with the boat. So, the cruise director addressed it.

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The Love Boat was a romantic comedy/drama centered around Captain Merrill Stubing (Gavin MacLeod), his family-like crew, and a handful of guests who loved to indulge in fun and romantic adventures on a cruise ship. It was called the Love Boat for a reason. Yet, critics were not fans of the series.

Some of the show's criticism was so harsh that Lauren Tewes, who played cruise director Julie McCoy, decided to address it in an interview with the Daily News in 1977. "My mother called me the other day and said that she read where one of the critics called the members of the cast simple-minded," Tewes began.

The actress' mother gave her a less offensive version of what was said by critics. Those who criticized the show thought it was terrible because of the writers and the actors. One critic said, "Almost everybody (in the cast) is smotheringly nice [and the show] badly needs sharper writing and better wit...the entire show has a disjointed feel."

Another critic took a negative aim at Gavin MacLeod and said, "MacLeod has one of those grin-and-bear-it smiles, and what he's bearing is the worst series of the season." These harsh takes came only a month after The Love Boat's debut on ABC. Despite the reviews, viewers loved the show, and the ratings were high.

Tewes' response to the harsh comments was that the show had one goal to accomplish. "I guess everybody is entitled to his or her opinion, but we have to live up to our goal, and that is to have a nice, entertaining and pleasant show," she said. "We offer viewers a good time, and even those who can't afford a cruise or don't have the time can tune into our program and enjoy other people doing it."

The actress was right, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but those opinions were tiny compared to The Love Boat's massive success.

Overall, the show did fulfill its goal because not only did it stay on for nine seasons, it had multiple specials. Hundreds of beloved celebrities also happily guest-starred in memorable episodes.


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jd4862 19 months ago
I remember liking the show when I was a kid, but like many classic TV shows, I find it difficult to watch as a 56 year old.
Bapa1 19 months ago
Terrible show, didn't watch it then and still won't. But everybody can have an opinion. And give the show credit, it lasted a long time.
RedSamRackham Bapa1 19 months ago
* Yet it had its good episodes!
JHP 19 months ago
never liked the show - but like opinions and .....everyone (almost has them)

but the reaction to the cheap-sniping critics was spot on - of course those critics are kin to NFL refs which never lose their jobs despite ineptitude

Sly and the Family Stone "different strokes for different folks"
Coldnorth JHP 19 months ago
In my part of the country we or at least I say opinions are like a————— everyone has one.
JHP Coldnorth 19 months ago
you read my thread 100% correct:)
Coldnorth JHP 19 months ago
Lol sometimes it hard to get a word inserted without getting in trouble. Thanks for the laugh. Glad I could add the clue for that word.
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Adamsfather45 19 months ago
I loved The Love Boat and Julie McCoy was my favorite character. I was disappointed when she left the show.
Jan65 Adamsfather45 19 months ago
She was booted because she couldn't kick her cocaine addiction. She used it to help control her weight.
MrsPhilHarris 19 months ago
I loved this show for the first few years. It was so much fun to see who would be guest starring on the latest episode. I caught a couple of Hallowe’een episodes a few years ago. I certainly no longer love it, but it was mildly entertaining.
Coldnorth MrsPhilHarris 19 months ago
I had a comment but I couldn’t word it right so I gave up. The gist was with so many guest stars on each episode how did they pick the right combination to make it funny. Still doesn’t sound any better so sorry for trying to respond. Lol brain cramp on my part. Next time I comment I will try to word it better.
MrsPhilHarris Coldnorth 19 months ago
That is an interesting question. 🤔 I think there were 3 segments per show. I don’t recall if each segment was in any way related to the others, but I guess Charo for example would probably be paired with someone more straight laced so she could act kookie. The next segment might be two older celebrities Like Van Johnson and June Allyson who had probably worked together in the past and had the same agent. I think a lot of actors and actresses wanted to be on the show.
WilliamJorns 19 months ago
My question regarding TV and film critics is this: Have any of them actually spent time creating, making or producing a TV show or film? Do they have any experience in the industry? Or were they just hired as critics because of their skill at writing scathing comments in print? If they've worked in the business, then yes, they're entitled to criticize the efforts of others. If not, then they should quit, and give the position of critic to someone who has experience. A lot of film, television, and music critics whose columns I've read tend toward the latter - the type who gleefully write critical comments just because they can.
CaptainDunsel WilliamJorns 19 months ago
"Those who cannot do, teach. And those who cannot teach, criticize."
JHP WilliamJorns 19 months ago
I do agree with you fer sure:)
McGillahooala 19 months ago
Wow. TV critics don’t have any idea what appeals to the viewing public. Who knew.
Sway 19 months ago
The Love Boat was a fun show: light plots, likable regulars, corny humor, lots of celebrities, and fashion filled.
JHP Sway 19 months ago
you are correct about the corny humor - never had enough butter to watch a whole ep

and then Stubing was...was Cary Grant every EP?
Pacificsun 19 months ago
It's always been my theory that TV Critics needed to be particularly critical of everything on TV, to raise the bar high enough, that one of their (rare) acclamations would be worthy enough.

The problem being that if Producers and Writers reduced the approval of their work to only the audience of TV Critics, we'd have no such thing as Classic TV, today!
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Pacificsun 18 months ago
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JHP wallyandbagfan 18 months ago
well....Alice - the one I really admire (and other things was born in China:))
JHP 18 months ago
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JHP CaptainDunsel 18 months ago
unless we have had a few:)
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