Lost in Space

Saturdays at 12 AM

central (on most MeTV stations)
In '60s sci-fi staple 'Lost in Space,' John Robinson (Guy Williams) and family brave the unknowns of the cosmos and strange planets after spy and saboteur Dr. Zachary Smith (Jonathan Harris) throws their ship, The Jupiter 2, off course. While the first season emphasized adventure and exploration of alien worlds, the show took a campy turn starting with season two to compete with time slot rival 'Batman.'

Next Airings

  • 8/18 12:00AMThe Questing Beast
    "Will and Dr. Smith are confronted by a knight, who says he is on a quest to seek out and destroy the beast Gundemar. Penny, meanwhile, meets Gundemar and befriends her. Will becomes the pageboy of the knight. When it is discovered that the beast is woman, the knight is unsure whether he can still kill it, leading him to question his life's future. "
  • 8/25 12:00AMThe Toymaker
    "Dr. Smith discovers another Android Machine, in the middle of a dangerous fisher. When he tries to order something, he is trapped inside the machine. Later when Will tries to get him out, he too is sucked in. Zumdish arrives on the planet in order to destroy the faulty, forgotten machine. Meanwhile Will and Dr. Smith discover the magical Toymaker's world, as they are mistaken for toys. They later discover they are close to earth. Will they return to Earth, be blown up, or Will Professor Robinson and the Robot be able to save them."
  • 9/1 12:00AMMutiny in Space
    "Dr. Smith's finds an alien ship and wants to use it to get back to earth, but he doesn't count for the owner of the ship admiral zahik to turn up and wreck his plans."
*available in most MeTV markets


Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Season 1
  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3

Ep 1: The Reluctant Stowaway

In the year 1997 the Robinson family takes off to colonize Alpha Centauri. A spy from a foreign country, Dr. Smith, becomes trapped aboard while trying to sabotage the project. The ship is whisked off course and into a meteor storm due to Dr Smith's extra weight, upsetting navigational computers. Smith desperately tries to save himself by reviving the crew, resulting in the Robinson family becoming lost in space.

Ep 2: The Derelict

The Jupiter 2 is pulled into a giant alien spaceship where there are advanced bubble-like creatures. John and Don look for maps and equipment while Dr. Smith and Will look for trouble.

Ep 3: Island in the Sky

Professor Robinson attempts to explore a planet that the family is planning to land on. Dr. Smith has sabotaged his para-jet propulsion system, causing it to fail. Smith has also sabotaged the propulsion system of the Jupiter 2.

Ep 4: There Were Giants in the Earth

Professor Robinson discovers that the planet they are on will travel further from the sun. In an attempt to survive the Robinsons pack up and head south. Dr Smith stays at the Jupiter 2 while the Robinson family encounters a terrifying cyclops and an ancient deserted city.

Ep 5: The Hungry Sea

Professor Robinson discovers that the planet's orbit will bring immense heat on the spaceship. With that knowledge, the Robinsons take off in the Chariot and head south. Dr. Smith stays behind because he believed them to be lying, but soon realizes the orbit is odd.

Ep 6: Welcome Stranger

Jimmy Hapgood lands on the planet and the Robinsons befriend him. After helping him fix his spaceship, the Robinsons try and convince him to take Will and Penny back to Earth with him. But Dr. Smith tries to get aboard the ship back to Earth.

Ep 7: My Friend, Mr. Nobody

Penny "imagines" a new companion, which is a disembodied life force living below the surface. Dr Smith accidentally injures Penny leading to the creature taking his anger out on the entire planet.

Ep 8: Invaders from the Fifth Dimension

Luminous aliens capture Dr. Smith with the plan to replace their burnt out computer with his brain. Smith bargains with them, and they attempt to use Will's brain instead.

Ep 9: The Oasis

Smith eats some alien fruit, which turns him into a giant. Convinced that it was the Robinsons trying to kill him, he plots to take them out.

Ep 10: The Sky is Falling

A visiting family of aliens, called Taurons, have decided to use the Robinson's planet as a new colony. Although the Robinsons cannot understand the language of the visiting family, they welcome them to live in peace and harmony. However, as usual, Dr. Smith causes problems when he panics and draws a gun on the alien family.

Ep 11: Wish Upon a Star

The Robinson family banishes Smith from the Jupiter 2. He takes refuge in an abandoned spaceship where he finds a machine that can materialize anything. In an attempt to get back into the Robinson's good books, he gives them the machine, which plays on their greed.

Ep 12: The Raft

The Robinsons manage to construct a small space ship that they plan to use to return to Earth. Dr. Smith and Will launch the craft but wind up returning back on the original planet.

Ep 13: One of Our Dogs Is Missing

While the men are out installing communications equipment, a creepy creature stalks the Robinson women; however, they think a small dog is to blame for raids on food and other mischief.

Ep 14: Attack of the Monster Plants

Banished from camp for his latest endangering behavior, Dr. Smith discovers alien plants that can duplicate things (including people), which he uses to his advantage.

Ep 15: Return from Outer Space

Using a matter transfer device left behind by the Taurons, Will beams himself back to Earth. He arrives safely in the small town of Hatfield Four Corners, Vermont, but his pleas for help are considered the fantasies of a runaway boy.

Ep 16: The Keeper: Part 1

The Keeper, played by Michael Rennie, is a zookeeper of sorts. He wants to take the children and add them to his collection.

Ep 17: The Keeper: Part 2

The Keeper, played by Michael Rennie, is a zookeeper of sorts. He wants to take the children and add them to his collection.

Ep 18: The Sky Pirate

The Robinsons meet a space traveler who turns out to be an Earth man, Alonzo P. Tucker, who was abducted from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, by aliens in 1876.

Ep 19: Ghost in Space

Dr. Smith holds a seance to contact his Uncle Thaddeus. Instead a spirit creature is contacted and creates havoc for the Robinsons. It is later discovered that the "spirit creature" is a physical creature, rendered invisible by the properties of the "ionized gas" in the bog from which it came.

Ep 20: War of the Robots

Will and Dr. Smith stumble upon another robot. More capable than their own robot, the alien robot works to gain the confidence of the Robinsons. At a critical point he plans to transport them to his home planet as slaves.

Ep 21: The Magic Mirror

Penny and Judy stumble upon a mirror. Before they know it they are transported to the mirror universe which is occupied by only one person, a boy who is lonesome for companionship.

Ep 22: The Challenge

An alien boy is sent to Priplanis to validate his prince status. Will is drawn into a battle to the death unbeknownst to his father. When his real intentions are learned, John substitutes himself in the challenge and the alien ruler substitutes himself for his son.

Ep 23: The Space Trader

After the entire Robinson food supply is wiped out in a freak storm, a trader arrives willing to trade food for equipment. Dr. Smith trades the robot for food and hoards the supplies for himself.

Ep 24: His Majesty Smith

Dr. Smith is conscripted as the leader of a people from another world. Little does he know that the leaders of these people are routinely sacrificed and replaced with other expendable leaders.

Ep 25: The Space Croppers

A group of space hillbillies comes to Priplanis. The leader is an articulate female, whom Smith tries to court so he may have transportation back to Earth. Don falls for the sexy alien daughter.

Ep 26: All That Glitters

Dr. Smith is given a ring that turns anything he touches into platinum, but his joy soon becomes terror when even his food turns into the precious metal. In danger of starving to death because he cannot remove the ring, Smith scrambles to discover how to get the device off his finger.

Ep 27: The Lost Civilization

The Robinson men discover an underground civilization while exploring the planet. Will wakes a sleeping princess who wants him to remain and rule with her.

Ep 28: A Change of Space

The Intergalactic Delivery Service comes to Priplanus. Once again Dr. Smith seeks transportation and has Will "test drive" the spaceship. Will returns much smarter than when he left. Smith realizing the same could happen to him, the increase of intellect, boards the spaceship. His trip, however, ends in his rapid aging and subsequent impending death. To make matters worse, the owner of the spaceship has returned to take the vehicle back, stranding Will and Dr. Smith in their altered state.

Ep 29: Follow the Leader

John Robinson is possessed by an alien spirit. The alien forces the family to prepare to return to the spirit's home world, even if it requires he sacrifice Will to keep his secret from the rest of the family.

Ep 1: Blast Off Into Space

Dr. Smith and Will befriend an old miner named Nerim. After a series of earthquakes indicates that the planet is breaking up, Dr. Smith tries to convince them that it is merely the effects of mining, and no harm will come to the planet. John informs him that he is wrong and that the Robinson family will be departing within the day. It is a race against time to escape the crumbling planet.

Ep 2: Wild Adventure

After leaving their planet, Dr. Smith manages to plot a course back to Earth.

Ep 3: The Ghost Planet

Dr. Smith, under a state of hypnosis, obeys an alluring message that redirects Jupiter 2 to a strange planet controlled by robots. Upon landing, the Robinsons find themselves enslaved by the metallic aliens inhabiting the unusual planet.

Ep 4: Forbidden World

On their next planetary stop, the Robinsons encounter a hermit who plans to attack the Jupiter 2 with his army.

Ep 5: Space Circus

The Robinsons go through a food crisis when their plant purifier breaks down. Will and Dr. Smith discover a traveling show of circus people, and Will is later tricked in to agreeing to join.

Ep 6: The Prisoners of Space

The Robinsons and Major West are imprisoned and forced to appear in court for alleged space crimes. As the trial begins, it is soon realized that the crimes in question were in fact committed by Dr. Smith.

Ep 7: The Android Machine

Will and Dr. Smith discover an android-making machine. Smith uses it to create his own personal android, but soon the owner of the machine comes looking for payment.

Ep 8: The Deadly Games of Gamma 6

The future of Earth hangs in the balance when Dr. Smith agrees to do battle with a group of galactic gladiators.

Ep 9: The Thief of Outer Space

Will, Penny and Dr. Smith get involved with a thief that is searching for a princess.

Ep 10: Curse of Cousin Smith

Jeremiah Smith shows up to kill Dr. Smith for his inheritance.

Ep 11: West of Mars

Dr. Smith is confronted with a dead ringer for himself called Zeno, who is a fugitive on the run and gets Smith to take the wrap for his crimes.

Ep 12: A Visit to Hades

After a harp unlocks a passageway to another world, Dr. Smith believes he has ended up in Hell and met the devil.

Ep 13: The Wreck of the Robot

After Will's toy ball turns to gold, aliens get ahold of it and demand the robot for its return.

Ep 14: The Dream Monster

Dr. Smith schemes to trade the Robinsons' emotions for a trip back to Earth with an alien who needs them to complete his creation, a giant, golden man.

Ep 15: The Golden Man

While the rest of the men are away, Dr. Smith and the Robinson women are confronted by a mysterious man in gold who claims to be at war with a race of green aliens.

Ep 16: The Girl from the Green Dimension

Girl from the green dimension Athena, who is in love with Dr. Smith, arrives on the planet with the aim of bringing Smith back home with her. Though Smith will do just about anything to get off the planet, things get complicated when her suitor, Urso, shows up.

Ep 17: The Questing Beast

Will and Dr. Smith are confronted by a knight who is on a quest to destroy the beast Gundemar. Penny, meanwhile, meets Gundemar and befriends her. When it is discovered that the beast is woman, the knight is unsure whether he can bring himself to kill it.

Ep 18: The Toymaker

Dr. Smith and Will find themselves trapped in another android machine, and then discover the magical Toymaker's world and are mistake for toys.

Ep 19: Mutiny in Space

Dr. Smith finds an alien ship and wants to use it to get back to Earth, but he doesn't count on the owner of the ship, Admiral Zahik, turning up and wrecking his plans.

Ep 20: The Space Vikings

A storm looms and the two gloves of Thor appear from space and fly straight into the waiting hands of Dr. Smith. They are then taken away by the real Thor, who will decide their fate.

Ep 21: Rocket to Earth

Dr. Smith uses magician Zalto to conjure up a space ship so he can get back to Earth.

Ep 22: The Cave of the Wizards

Dr. smith hits his head on a rock and falls into the depths of a cave where he finds a mummy; meanwhile, the crew must locate Smith so as to be on time for an 8 AM blast-off.

Ep 23: Treasure of the Lost Planet

Pirate Alonzo P. Tucker returns in search of Billy Bones' treasure, endangering the Robinsons with the three cutthroats he has brought with him.

Ep 24: Revolt of the Androids

Android Verda hides out with the Robinsons, lying low from super android OMEGA-IDAK, who promises to "crush, kill, destroy."

Ep 25: The Colonists

A female warrior with plans of colonizing the planet captures the Robinsons, enslaving the males and attempting to brainwash the females.

Ep 26: Trip Through the Robot

After strange gases cause the robot to grow into a giant, Will and Dr. Smith work to devise a plan to bring it back to normal size.

Ep 27: The Phantom Family

Will returns to camp following a cosmic storm only to discover that his family has been replaced with androids.

Ep 28: The Mechanical Men

Little mechanical men capture both Dr. Smith and the robot, switching the robot's personality with that of Smith's. With their new "leader" at the helm, they plan to wreak havoc on the Robinson's camp.

Ep 29: The Astral Traveler

When Dr. Smith and Will become trapped in a cave during a cosmic storm, Will soon finds himself pulled through a time warp that send him back to Earth, where he lands in a Scottish castle and meets a headless ghost.

Ep 30: The Galaxy Gift

After an alien gives Penny a belt as a gift, telling her to guard it with her life, it isn't long before a group of aliens turns up looking for the item, and they will stop at nothing to get it.

Ep 1: Condemned of Space

After quickly leaving the planet they are on and rescuing the robot, which was swept overboard, the Robinson's discover a prison ship filled with cryogenically preserved prisoners.

Ep 2: Visit to a Hostile Planet

After the Jupiter 2 is sucked through a time warp, the Robinsons find themselves near Earth. Upon arrival to their planet, however, they discover the year is 1947.

Ep 3: Kidnapped in Space

After Dr. Smith answers a distress call from an alien space ship, he learns that the aliens need him to operate on their leader. They only problem is that the aliens are actually a race of robots; furthermore, they will all cease to function if their leader perishes.

Ep 4: Hunter's Moon

After Professor Robinson and the robot land the Space Pod on a planet, Robinson kills an attacking monster. But as it turns out, the creature was game in a hunting test for an alien being hoping to one day reign as leader of the planet. The alien then forces Professor Robinson to take the creature's place.

Ep 5: The Space Primevals

On a planet where a primitive people are ruled by a computer, Dr. Smith goes against character and saves Major West's life.

Ep 6: Space Destructors

Dr. Smith and the robot are exploring a cave. Smith pushes several buttons on a conspicuous control panel. The buttons activate a cyborg-creating device. It is up to Will to stop Dr. Smith.

Ep 7: The Haunted Lighthouse

The Robinsons leave the planet with an alien boy, J-5, in tow, promising to take the boy to his home planet. However, matters are complicated when the Robinsons think they have discovered a way back to Earth, one that would require breaking their promise to the boy.

Ep 8: Flight into the Future

Dr. Smith, Will and the Robot are accidentally launched in the space pod. They land on a planet that is controlled by an alien machine that creates illusions that confuse the visitors.

Ep 9: Collision of Planets

A group of space hippies are going to destroy the planet the Robinsons are on.

Ep 10: Space Creature

When a gaseous creature engulfs the Jupiter 2, the other crew members disappear leaving Will and Dr. Smith alone.

Ep 11: Deadliest of the Species

The Robinsons encounter two aliens who are on a mission to destroy an escaped robot prisoner. Meanwhile, the Robinsons' robot meets and falls in love with the mechanical femme fatale.

Ep 12: A Day at the Zoo

A cave boy appears and attempts to lure Penny away, but she refuses and is instead caught in a net. She is transported to an intergalactic zoo, were she will be put on show. Meanwhile Dr. Smith tries to take over the zoo.

Ep 13: Two Weeks in Space

Two aliens, who are actually intergalactic bank robbers, transform themselves into earthlings. They revive a man named Zumdish who operates a tour agency and they pretend to be his clients. When the Robinson's are absent, Dr. Smith turns the ship into a hotel, but he doesn't realize how dangerous his guests are.

Ep 14: Castles in Space

The Robinsons take in a princess who is fleeing from a bounty hunter. However, when Will is captured by the bounty hunter, he asks them to make a trade of Will for the princess.

Ep 15: The Anti-Matter Man

Professor Robinson is caught in a matter transfer emission ray, and subsequently ends up in another dimension where reality is twisted. The evil version of himself from the other dimension returns to his dimension and his family, attempting to take over Professor Robinson's life.

Ep 16: Target Earth

The Space Pod lands on a planet that is inhabited by creatures who all look alike, yet aspire to be different. They capture the Robinsons and make duplicates of them with the objective of using the duplicates to fly the Jupiter II back to Earth.

Ep 17: Princess of Space

A crew led by Captain Kraspo is searching for the missing Princess Alpha. They bring Will aboard their ship, and he makes them think that Penny might be the Princess.

Ep 18: The Time Merchant

Will is conducting an experiment in a cave and captures a man who claims to be in control of time for the entire universe. After seeing the Time Merchant's time machine, Dr. Smith uses it to go back in time with the objective of not sabotaging the Jupiter 2 on the day it blasted off from Earth.

Ep 19: The Promised Planet

The Robot suddenly announces that the Jupiter II is approaching Alpha Centauri. Everyone is surprised, and the ship lands on a planet where they are greeted by a group of people who appear to be teenagers from Earth.

Ep 20: Fugitives in Space

When Dr. Smith comes across an alien prison escapee, the alien makes Dr. Smith change jackets with him and then runs off. Soon, Dr. Smith and Don are arrested for aiding the escaped prisoner.

Ep 21: Space Beauty

The galactic showman, Farnum B, returns as the producer of the Miss Galaxy Beauty Pageant. He wants Judy to be in the contest, but she is not willing. However, Dr. Smith submits her anyways by forging her name to the contest roster.

Ep 22: The Flaming Planet

Dr. Smith disposes of a plant that has grown out of control, but once outside the plant manages to attach itself to the Jupiter 2. The plant apparently believes that Dr. Smith is its mother, meanwhile the ship is attacked by a brave space warrior.

Ep 23: The Great Vegetable Rebellion

Dr. Smith uses the Space Pod to land on a planet that the Jupiter 2 is passing by. It turns out that the planet has evolved in such a way that plants are the highest form of life, and some of them are quite intelligent. One of these plants, a large carrot, captures Smith and tries to change him into a plant.

Ep 24: Junkyard in Space

The Jupiter 2 lands on a planet which serves as a junkyard. The Robinson's food supply is dwindling, so Dr. Smith tries to sell the robot and the ship in order to get food.