Meet Kevin Hermann: Inside the Collection

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This collection will leave you wanting to relive some of these iconic movie moments. Grab the popcorn and take a look!

May. 8, 2023

Kevin Hermann has built an impressively vast collection of movie props and costumes from his favorite films, including one of the most complete costume collections from the hit franchise, Underworld.

Kevin collects what he loves, and that's apparent in this collection packed with items from Indiana Jones, Gumby, The Book of Eli and more. Hermann has thousands of props and costumes that fill storage units, his house and his garage.

Hermann's love for these films don't stop at collecting, he also enjoys building and restoring props he can't find on the market. If you don't restore a prop, it will get lost in time. Hermann's collection brings these items back to life. Take a look!

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1. Screen-used Gumby puppets

This is one of the original Gumby puppets. Today Gumby could be considered a celebrity from our childhood.

The creator of Gumby, Art Clokey, is famous for his stop motion animation. He and his son decided to release these original puppets, with hopes of continuing the show after it ended. However, Clokey passed away shortly after. 

His complete collection of Gumby puppets is worth around $30,000. These items are a piece of history, and Gumby's in good hands with Hermann.

Bonus fact: The puppet is green because it's a representation of new life, and it's nondiscriminatory. 

2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom miniatures

This is a screen-used miniature set from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. This is a historical piece because today CGI would be used in its place.

Hermann had to go through about 10 to 15 different sources to find this miniature set, but the search was worth the reward. Today it is worth around $20,000.

3. Staff of Ra from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

This is the Holy Grail piece for any Indiana Jones collector, literally. This is the Staff of Ra from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the film it sold for $3,000, but in real life this piece is worth much more than that.

There are many unauthentic versions of this prop, but this piece came directly from the original owner of the studio. 

It is worth around $300,000. Now, that's an appropriate number for the Holy Grail.

4. Selene costume from Underworld

Hermann has one of the most complete collections of Underworld costumes in America. This is just one of the many. 

This costume belongs to Kate Beckinsale's character from Underworld. All of the seam lines at the bottom of this costume match the screen-used version. 

He owns one of the largest Underworld collections in private hands, and today the value is around $40,000. He's picked up so many items from all the films, he could probably re-make them all in his backyard!

5. The Book of Eli Bible

This is the screen-used Bible from The Book of Eli with Denzel Washington. On the inside of this "Bible" is actually a Japanese telephone directory. Talk about some movie magic.

There was only one produced for the film, and Hermann was lucky enough to get the book through an auction. Today it is worth around $3,000.

6. Eli costume from The Book of Eli

This is the costume of Denzel Washington's character in The Book of Eli. Hermann has one of each of the main character's costumes from the film. He had to hunt some down, but isn't that the fun of collecting? 

This oufit is made up of about 20 different pieces, including the iPod featured above. Today it's worth around $12,000.

7. Seinfeld screen-used car

We had to take it outside for this one! This is the original screen-used car from Seinfeld, which couldn't quite fit in Hermann's basement. 

It was also used in Blue Bloods, and later aged for the film St. Vincent. It even came with some glasses from the set of Seinfeld under the set. Today it's worth $6,000. Jerry, call him up!

8. The total value of Kevin Hermann's collection:

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Runeshaper 15 months ago
This was my favorite collection so far! Love the Gumby puppets and Indiana Jones miniatures! The Seinfeld car is pretty cool too (-:
LoveMETV22 15 months ago
" 7. Seinfeld screen-used car "
Lol ! The car that George thinks was owned by "John" oh wait "Jon" Voight.
Bapa1 15 months ago
Interesting show. I thought it was hilarious that the bible from 'The Book of Eli' was a Japanese phone book.
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