Meet Robert Baker: Inside the Collection

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Everything you've ever wanted as a kid is in Robert's collection. Take a look, and let's play!

May. 26, 2024

Robert Baker has had a passion for toys for as long as he can remember. He even held onto the first toy he bought for himself after graduating from the eighth grade.

Now, almost 40 years later, Robert owns nearly every toy from the '70s and '80s. His collection, which includes over 30,000 toys, would be every kid's dream.

This lifelong collector has an entire basement dedicated to highly graded comic books, action figures, playsets and figures. Every item in his massive collection brings back childhood memories, and that's what makes it special to him.

At Robert's house, toy collecting has become a family affair. His son, Bert, is a collector just like him! Fun fact: Robert's son works at our expert Michael's toy shop, learning from the two best toy collectors in the game.

Everything you've ever wanted as a kid is in Robert's collection. Take a look, and let's play! 

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1. G.I. Joe Firefly

This G.I. Joe Firefly figure, well, multiple Firefly figures, was the first G.I. Joe Robert ever bought as a kid.

As a kid, Robert carried around his G.I. Joe Firefly wherever he went. Over time, one G.I. Joe turned into a whole Army of them. Now, he has enough to win any war.

This G.I. Joe figure is graded 80, which is near-mint condition. He eventually wants to have the biggest collection of G.I. Joe Firefly figures in the country, and looking at his army, he's not that far off! 

Our expert valued this item at $3,500. 

2. Captain America Comic Book

This classic Captain America comic book holds a lot of special meaning for Robert. His grandfather gave it to him in the early '80s and it's been on his shelves ever since.

When he was younger, he and his grandpa would read this comic book together. Robert credits it as being one of the first books he learned to read from. We can't think of a better inspiration than Captain America.  

It's graded at 8.5, which is considered near-mint condition. Although it's not a super rare comic book to own today, it holds a special place in his heart.

Our expert valued this item at $1,000. According to Robert, even if he was offered $10,000 for it, he wouldn't sell it.

3. Indiana Jones Figure

Most Indiana Jones fans will recognize this iconic toy based off of the 1981 movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark

This figure was originally made by the toy company Kenner and is considered to be one of the first waves of toys from the iconic movie.

He found this piece in near-mint condition at a convention. According to our expert, this item is highly desirable today due to the success and popularity of the Indiana Jones movies.

Indiana Jones inspired Robert to become either an archaeologist or a history teacher, but one could argue he's a toy historian because of his ability to reconnect us with toys from decades past.

Our expert valued this item at $2,500. Which film from the Indiana Jones series is your favorite? 

4. D&D Fortress of Fangs & Tiamat

These items are from a rare line of toys released in the early '80s from Dungeons and Dragons. Do you recognize them?

He bought this piece because the box it came in really caught his eye. At Collector's Call, we believe the box is just as important as what's inside. Robert is proof that the box can be just as pretty as the piece inside.

Our expert valued all of these toys at $1,100. For Robert, it's not about the value of the items but the memory attached to them.

5. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Figures

Robert has many classic Star Wars toys as part of his massive collection, but these Star Wars: Return of the Jedi figures are among his favorites.

These Star Wars figures featuring Admiral Ackbar and Lando Calrissian are the very first Star Wars items he ever bought. They were the items that sparked his interest in collecting and now, 40 years later, he's acquired more than 30,000 items. The force was definitely with this collector!

Robert only paid $50 for both of these figures many years ago, and today they would be worth around $370. 

6. The Empire Strikes Back Dagobah Playset

This classic playset is based on the 1980 film Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. The playset is still sealed in the original box it came in and is in near-mint condition. 

Most Star Wars fan will recognize this as the place Yoda called home after the fall of the Jedi. We love a good trade here at Collector's Call, and Robert traded in some baseball cards in order to obtain this iconic piece.

Many of the pieces and accessories in this playset have disintegrated or broken over time, so finding a high quality version today is almost impossible...unless you're Robert.

Growing up, Robert had always wanted to own this playset, but his family never had the money. He made a promise to himself that one day, when he could afford it, he would buy it for himself. Little did he know the amount of childhood memories he'd hold in his home. 

Our expert had never seen this playset in such great condition. He valued this rare-find at $4,500.

7. The total value of Robert's toy collection:

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yilburger 2 months ago
I used to work in the office of Mego Toys in New York City.
It was a fun place to work. Met one of my very best friends for life there. Wish I had known how collectible the figures would become now from way back than.
BradBeall 2 months ago
This guy has mostly dolls. That's right, DOLLS. Some call them "action figures", but they're really just dolls with a different name, so boys won't feel slighted by playing with them. Where are the real toys, such as "ride-on" toys, miniature cars, cap guns, airplanes, and, of course construction toys such as Tonka, Nylint & Buddy-L bulldozers & trucks?
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