Star Trek

Saturdays at 9 PM

central (on most MeTV stations)
"Beam ME up!" Get ready for intergalactic adventure on 'Star Trek.' Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the crew of the USS Enterprise boldly go where no show has gone before in this classic sci-fi television series. As emissaries of the Starfleet, a spaceborne humanitarian and peacekeeping armada, Kirk and a crew of humans and aliens explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy, finding interstellar adventure at every turn. A true icon of the sci-fi genre, the series is the first offering from a franchise that has fulfilled Mr. Spock's (Leonard Nimoy) directive to "live long and prosper."

Next Airings

  • 8/17 10:00PMThe Immunity Syndrome
    "The Enterprise must destroy an enormous space amoeba before it reproduces and threatens known space."
  • 8/24 10:00PMA Private Little War
    "Kirk becomes involved in an arms race when the Klingons equip a native people with superior weaponry."
  • 8/31 10:00PMReturn to Tomorrow
    "The Enterprise discovers three incorporeal intelligences who seek their help in gaining physical bodies, but one of them has plans of his own."
*available in most MeTV markets


Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Season 1
  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3

Ep 0: The Cage (Pilot)

Capt. Pike is held prisoner and tested by aliens who have the power to project incredibly lifelike illusions.

Ep 1: The Man Trap

Kirk and his crew are at deadly risk from an alien creature that feeds on the salt in a human body and can take on any form.

Ep 2: Charlie X

The Enterprise's newest passenger is a young boy—what they don't know is that he has the power to make anything he thinks of happen.

Ep 3: Where No Man Has Gone Before

While exploring the edge of the galaxy, the Enterprise encounters an energy barrier that gives two crewmen godlike powers.

Ep 4: The Naked Time

A strange alien substance causes the crew to act out their deepest inhibitions, while the ship plummets out of orbit.

Ep 5: The Enemy Within

A transporter malfunction causes Captain Kirk to split into his "good" and "evil" selves, and a landing party will freezes to death if they don't merge the two back together.

Ep 6: Mudd's Women

The Enterprise picks up intergalactic conman Harry Mudd and three incredibly beautiful women hiding a dark secret.

Ep 7: What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Nurse Christine Chapel is reunited with her old fiancé on Exo III, but the scientist has plans for Captain Kirk and the Federation.

Ep 8: Miri

Kirk and a landing party are stranded on a planet afflicted by a disease that causes adults to die a painful death. What's more, they must deal with hostile children who have survived.

Ep 9: Dagger of the Mind

Kirk investigates an experimental facility for holding prisoners and finds a sinister scheme.

Ep 10: The Corbomite Maneuver

The Enterprise encounters a vast alien ship that sets out to test them.

Ep 11: The Menagerie: Part 1

Spock kidnaps the crippled Capt. Pike, hijacks the Enterprise and then surrenders for court martial.

Ep 12: The Menagerie: Part 2

At Spock's court martial, he proves his innocence by showing that Capt. Pike's kidnapping was the work of illusion-casting aliens.

Ep 13: The Conscience of the King

Kirk is one of the last survivors who can identify a mass killer lurking among a Shakespearean troupe aboard the Enterprise.

Ep 14: Balance of Terror

Kirk pits the Enterprise against an invisible spaceship testing the Federation's defenses.

Ep 15: Shore Leave

The past three months has left the crew of the Enterprise exhausted and in desperate need of a break, but does this explain McCoy's encounter with a human-sized white rabbit or Kirk crossing paths with the prankster who plagued his days at Starfleet Academy?

Ep 16: The Galileo Seven

The Galileo, under Spock's command, crash-lands on a hostile planet. As the Enterprise races against time to find the shuttlecraft, Spock's strictly logical leadership clashes with the fear and resentment of his crew.

Ep 17: The Squire of Gothos

A being that controls matter and creates planets wants to play with the Enterprise crew.

Ep 18: Arena

Capt. Kirk is pitted against the reptilian captain of an alien ship by a superior alien race.

Ep 19: Tomorrow is Yesterday

The Enterprise collides with a black hole and is thrown back to Earth in the 20th century, where they must find a way back to their timeline while erasing any trace of their presence.

Ep 20: Court Martial

Captain Kirk's career is at stake when he is put on trial for the loss of a crewman during an ion storm.

Ep 21: The Return of the Archons

The Enterprise encounters a seemingly peaceful civilization run by a "benevolent" being named Landru.

Ep 22: Space Seed

The Enterprise picks up a crew of genetic supermen from the 20th century, and their leader, Khan, plans to create a new empire.

Ep 23: A Taste of Armageddon

The Enterprise arrives at a planet to establish diplomatic relations and finds itself in the middle of a "peaceful" war that threatens to destroy the ship.

Ep 24: This Side of Paradise

The Enterprise crew is trapped in paradise when they come to rescue colonists who have fallen to pacifying alien spores and become infected themselves.

Ep 25: The Devil in the Dark

Kirk investigates a series of grisly murders on a mining planet that are the work of a seemingly hostile alien creature.

Ep 26: Errand of Mercy

The Federation and the Klingon Empire teeter on the brink of war as Kirk investigates a humble planet caught in the middle—Organia, inhabited by pacifists

Ep 27: The Alternative Factor

Kirk and Spock encounter an alien named Lazarus who claims to be from an anti-matter universe.

Ep 28: The City on the Edge of Forever

Kirk and Spock must travel into the past in order to prevent a deranged McCoy from altering history and eradicating their own past.

Ep 29: Operation — Annihilate!

Kirk and the Enterprise must combat parasitic aliens.

Ep 1: Amok Time

Spock must go to Vulcan in order to perform the Vulcan mating ritual.

Ep 2: Who Mourns for Adonais?

The Enterprise encounters an alien who claims to be the Greek god Apollo.

Ep 3: The Changeling

The Enterprise encounters an ancient Earth probe bent on the sterilization of all life.

Ep 4: Mirror, Mirror

Kirk and three of his officers are accidentally transported into a parallel "mirror" universe where violence, greed and evil are commonplace.

Ep 5: The Apple

Primitive inhabitants of Gamma Trianguli VI worship a god who orders them to kill visitors from the Enterprise.

Ep 6: The Doomsday Machine

The Enterprise must stop an ancient doomsday weapon that is capable of destroying entire worlds, and has already totaled one Constellation-class cruiser.

Ep 7: Catspaw

When a landing party disappears and one man is beamed up dead, Kirk and Spock investigate and meet a pair of aliens who seem capable of performing magic.

Ep 8: I, Mudd

The Enterprise is taken over by a group of androids who are working for Kirk's old nemesis, Harry Mudd.

Ep 9: Metamorphosis

When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk meets one of the pioneers of space flight, Zefram Cochrane.

Ep 10: Journey to Babel

Spock meets his estranged father when the Enterprise escorts a group of ambassadors to a conference on the planet Babel.

Ep 11: Friday's Child

Kirk, Spock and McCoy land on a primitive planet to negotiate a mining treaty, but soon find themselves involved with intrigue and must flee with a pregnant woman into the surrounding mountains.

Ep 12: The Deadly Years

A landing party, including the command staff, are infected with a disease that causes rapid aging and senility.

Ep 13: Obsession

The Enterprise must deal with a creature from Kirk's past that feeds on human blood.

Ep 14: Wolf in the Fold

A serial killer stalks a planet, and Scotty is the primary suspect.

Ep 15: The Trouble with Tribbles

Kirk must defuse a Klingon scheme to destroy a grain shipment and cope with a seemingly benign creature known as a tribble, which reproduces at amazing speed.

Ep 16: The Gamesters of Triskelion

Kirk, Chekov and Uhura are kidnapped and forced to participate in a series of gladiatorial games.

Ep 17: A Piece of the Action

The Enterprise travels to a planet suffering from cultural contamination from an earlier expedition—the inhabitants mimic the culture of 1930's gangland Chicago.

Ep 18: The Immunity Syndrome

The Enterprise must destroy an enormous space amoeba before it reproduces and threatens known space.

Ep 19: A Private Little War

Kirk becomes involved in an arms race when the Klingons equip a native people with superior weaponry.

Ep 20: Return to Tomorrow

The Enterprise discovers three discorporeal intelligences who seek their help in gaining physical bodies, but one of them has plans of his own.

Ep 21: Patterns of Force

The Enterprise seeks out a historical researcher with whom the Federation has lost contact, and discover he has contaminated a culture, remaking it into a near-duplicate of Nazi Germany.

Ep 22: By Any Other Name

The Enterprise's command crew must thwart an invasion by aliens from another galaxy who plan to conquer this one.

Ep 23: The Omega Glory

The Enterprise investigates the disappearance of another starship and discovers a planet where the inhabitants are immortal and engaged in a strange parallel of Earth's Cold War period.

Ep 24: The Ultimate Computer

Starfleet uses the Enterprise to test a new super-sophisticated computer, but it soon develops a mind of its own.

Ep 25: Bread and Circuses

The Enterprise encounters a planet whose culture is patterned on ancient Rome and holds gladiatorial games that Kirk, Spock and McCoy must fight in.

Ep 26: Assignment: Earth

While back in time observing Earth in 1968, the Enterprise crew encounters the mysterious Gary Seven who has his own agenda on the planet.

Ep 1: Spock's Brain

After Spock's brain is stolen from his body without surgery, Capt. Kirk initiates a search for the alien culprits.

Ep 2: The Enterprise Incident

Captain Kirk becomes increasingly erratic and orders the Enterprise into Romulan space, where the ship is captured by a beautiful Romulan commander.

Ep 3: The Paradise Syndrome

After having his memory erased on a planet with inhabitants resembling Native Americans, Capt. Kirk is declared a god. Meanwhile, a deadly asteroid is headed toward the planet and the Enterprise must get back to it and Kirk before the imminent collision.

Ep 4: And the Children Shall Lead

The Enterprise travels to a planet where a scientific team has killed themselves. All that is left alive are the children, and they soon begin to act oddly.

Ep 5: Is There in Truth No Beauty?

The Enterprise is boarded by two strange visitors: Medusan Ambassador Kollos, a creature that must be kept in a box because its ugliness is enough to drive a human mad, and his aide, beautiful telepath Miranda, who senses murderous intent aboard the ship.

Ep 6: Spectre of the Gun

When visiting a xenophobic, isolationist planet, Captain Kirk and his landing party are punished for trespassing. They are sentenced to death in a surreal recreation of the Gunfight at the OK Corral.

Ep 7: Day of the Dove

When the Enterprise brings aboard Klingon prisoners, an alien entity pits both sides against each other in an ever-escalating struggle.

Ep 8: For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

While working to deflect an asteroid on a collision course with an inhabited planet, the Enterprise discovers that the asteroid is actually a spaceship with a population unaware of the outside world.

Ep 9: The Tholian Web

When the Enterprise investigates the disappearance of another starship, they lose Kirk in a dimensional interphase and must deal with a hostile alien race while trying to recover him.

Ep 10: Plato's Stepchildren

Kirk and his crew find themselves at the mercy of powerful individuals who possess mind-over-matter powers and plan to use the Enterprise crew for their twisted entertainment.

Ep 11: Wink of an Eye

Members of a landing party investigating planet Scalos begin to vanish one by one.

Ep 12: The Empath

On a planet doomed to destruction, Kirk, Spock and McCoy become involved with two aliens who use them as laboratory animals in a bizarre series of tests on an alien empath who may be the savior of her planet.

Ep 13: Elaan of Troyius

The Enterprise must escort an alien princess to her marriage to seal an interplanetary alliance, but she becomes attracted to Kirk.

Ep 14: Whom Gods Destroy

Kirk and Spock investigate an insane asylum where a former Starfleet captain is being held, only to discover that he has freed the inmates and is running the place.

Ep 15: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

The Enterprise finds itself host to two alien beings from the same planet, who share an intense and self-destructive hatred for each other.

Ep 16: The Mark of Gideon

Kirk beams down on a diplomatic mission and finds himself on an Enterprise where all the crew have vanished and only a mysterious woman resides.

Ep 17: That Which Survives

Kirk, McCoy and Sulu are stranded on a barren planet where a mysterious woman attempts to kill them one at a time, while the Enterprise must travel halfway across the galaxy to rescue them.

Ep 18: The Lights of Zetar

The Enterprise must deal with discorporeal cloud-like aliens who have already destroyed the inhabitants of a library planet and plan to eliminate the Enterprise crew if they cannot acquire a human host.

Ep 19: Requiem for Methuselah

While seeking a cure for a fever ravaging the Enterprise, Kirk and Spock encounter Flint, a hermit-like Earth man, and his beautiful young ward.

Ep 20: The Way to Eden

The Enterprise picks up a group of space "hippies" looking for Eden.

Ep 21: The Cloud Minders

Kirk must resolve a mining dispute on a the cloud city of Stratos to acquire the resources to cure a space plague.

Ep 22: The Savage Curtain

Kirk and Spock meet Abraham Lincoln and Surak of Vulcan and must do battle with some of history's most terrible villains.

Ep 23: All Our Yesterdays

Kirk, Spock and McCoy become trapped in the past of another world.

Ep 24: Turnabout Intruder

The Enterprise is in danger when Janice Lester, one of Kirk's former lovers, steals his body.