We can guess your age based on your childhood bedroom

Did you have a Beatles or a Backstreet Boys poster on your wall?

 CBS Television Distribution

When you picture your childhood bedroom, what do you see? The posters on the walls, the bed coverings and even the type of alarm clock you had can say a lot about who you are and when you grew up.

We’ve put together twelve questions designed to pinpoint your age based on what your bedroom was like when you were young. Pick the answer that is closest to your childhood bedroom. Will it be right on the money or three decades off? Find out below!

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  1. What color were your bedroom walls?
  2. What hung on the walls?
  3. What kind of bed did you have?
  4. What covered your bed?
  5. What kind of alarm clock did you have?
  6. What did you have on your desk?
  7. What piece of technology did you desperately want in your room?
  8. What kind of floor did your room have?
  9. What furniture did you have besides a bed?
  10. What was on your shelves?
  11. What childhood pet did you have in your room?
  12. What activities did you get up to in your room?

We can guess your age based on your childhood bedroom

Your Result...

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NumbNutz60 4 days ago
I took this quiz twice and answered exactly the same way both times. The first time it said I was 71, and the second time it said 23. TRUE STORY, swear to GOD !!! But keep in mind the object of this quiz is NOT for them to guess our age, but rather to gather free honest marketing info about us to pass on to advertisers. This is incredibly deceptive and deceitful... Just like Fart Suck-A-Bird at Facecrap!!

p.s. I read a lot of the other comments and you other folks are right on the money more often than not.
BradBeall 9 days ago
It says I'm 71, but I'm 63. Many of the things mentioned here weren't even in my room, such as shelves, and the floor was linoleum. Remember linoleum? I don't think you can even buy that anymore. And whatever pets we had (dogs & cats) were allowed throughout the house, and seldom ever came into our bedrooms.
MaryAnn 10 days ago
71! I am only 56. I think MeTV missed the mark because my parents did not spend a lot of money on the latest crap for kids. 😉
JAWhitman MaryAnn 9 days ago
said I was 71 too, off by ten years ( 61 )
Amalthea 10 days ago
I had trouble with the poster one (I had Bee Gees & Peter Frampton) and the pet one (none of them); however, they guessed 56 and I'm actually 59...so not too shabby! Side note: the easiest one was the extra furniture; I loved my big old bean bag chair! I would spend hours in it reading & listening to records.
DK 10 days ago
71! I am not that old! And I had a dog.
Jrzygrl 15 months ago
71!! I think Not. Take away 21 years.
MC1707 18 months ago
I guess I’m too old as hardly any of these “choices” of answers applied to me or my room at all.
Coldnorth MC1707 10 days ago
I found the choices could have been better too
JAWhitman 18 months ago
wow! way off not 71 can we subtract off 11yrs
DanDolgin 19 months ago
Now I have a cluttered room with CD's, DVD's, audio and video tapes, and records in the living room, as well as laptop, cell phone, radio with CD, casette, and bluetooth. Now I have a combination of yesterday's and today's technology for all my media.
DanDolgin 19 months ago
Quiz is off by 2 years. I'm 69 and quiz said 71. Most years we lived in a rented apartment that had all white painted walls and hardwood parquet floor. We had rugs on the floor, so I picked the closest answers. Yes I had records, tape casettes, and a typewriter.
Jekku 25 months ago
Well i couldn't even complete this one because they didn't have the right answers for me: had a bed, a DRESSER (duh!), and desk; I wasn't allowed to put things on the walls; I started out with purple, them moved to bright green & white; I don't remember my bedspread (white maybe?), we weren't allowed to have pets, I played with horses and drew...you can tell the people who devise these quizzes are themselves probably very young. 🙄
MC1707 Jekku 18 months ago
Me too. I couldn’t answer most of these as the answer choices, di not apply to me or my room.
Abbadon517 25 months ago
Im 60 but I like your age better 42
RachelBerlinski 26 months ago
"You are 23"
I don't know how they figured it, because my answers seemed pretty timeless. But I'm 27, so...
bukhrn 28 months ago
Answered 3 questions as nothing else applied.
bukhrn 32 months ago
Should have had a "none of the above choice"
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