Who said it: Mrs. Lovey Howell or Lisa Douglas?

There are plenty of similarities between two of the most glamorous characters across classic TV, including the way they speak!

 MGM Television/Warner Brothers

Looks, glamor, style and…. money! All things Mrs. Lovey Howell of Gilligan’s Island and Lisa Douglas of Green Acres have in common.

Both Lovey and Lisa aren’t exactly living their ideal lifestyles, ones that consist of travel and shopping sprees. Of course, Lovey would much rather be off a deserted island with a bunch of castaways and Lisa would rather be back on Park Avenue than stuck in Hooterville.  

Though they’re out of their respective comfort zones, they each bring their lifestyles with them. So much so, that it’s a little hard to tell them apart if you don’t see them in their fancy dresses or hear their accents.

Can you correctly pick who said these lavish, expensive and grand lines?

Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost a mink coat to take this quiz.

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Weeknights at 8:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "Oh I intend to dear, I thought I might even treat him as an equal."
  2. "He can’t possibly afford it, you said yourself it loses a million a year."
  3. "Well, don’t blame me, I never did it before. In the old country, we used to string caviar."
  4. "It could be worse… she could be allergic to diamonds."
  5. "Oh, beauty parlors and steam baths."
  6. "How expensive, mink coat expensive or sable coat expensive?"
  7. "On second thought we ought to leave him the railroad, he has such a mechanical mind, you know."
  8. "Well we can’t check into the Ritz Place with only 12 suitcases, everybody’s going to think we’re nobodies."
  9. "I always say, why get a copy when the original is only a few thousand dollars more."
  10. "If I were you, I’d wipe her gratitude off my face."
  11. "Darling, don’t be so modest. My husband had the biggest squash on Park Avenue."
  12. "I just love those old silent pictures and those marvelous silent picture stars."
  13. "Anyone who says money can’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop."
  14. "When you married me you knew that I couldn’t cook, I couldn’t sew and I couldn’t keep house."
  15. In those days, when you came home, we used to sit down and talk over everything that happened during the day. You tell me all you did and I tell you all the mink coats I tried on."

Who said it: Mrs. Lovey Howell or Lisa Douglas?

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Blur quiz: Aliens of classic TV
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Hollie 3 months ago
14/15 i love both of these shows
George58 3 months ago
9/15 Guessed a lot. To be honest I have only watched just a handful of episodes of "Green Acres" so I'm not that familiar with it.
Crisco 3 months ago
You got 8 out of 15
Oh darling, better luck next time.
bmoore4026 3 months ago
12 out of 15 and they were all guesses
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