Who said it: Sgt. Joe Friday or Officer Pete Malloy?

Which LA-based policeman said these lines?


This is the city, Los Angeles, California.

That's an obvious one! It's the first thing you hear on every episode of Dragnet, and it came from Sgt. Joe Friday, played by creator Jack Webb.

Officer Pete Malloy from Adam-12 was in a different role than Friday, but his wise wisdom and advice to Officer Jim Reed often had a crossover feel with Joe Friday. In fact, the two shows had crossovers from time to time, making it difficult to tell which officers were in which show!

To test your knowledge of these iconic police personnel, try to choose which character said the following lines correctly. Did Sgt. Joe Friday from Dragnet say it, or was it Officer Pete Malloy from Adam-12?

Good luck!

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  1. Who said this line? "Give him a ball of yarn, he could knit us both a sweater."
  2. Who said this line? "The price of life keeps going down, doesn't it?"
  3. Who said this line? "At least we're used to him, everything's on file. We should be back to work in an hour."
  4. Who said this line? "I didn't know you were interested in homing pigeons."
  5. Who said this line? "There's nothing wrong with being quiet. Sometimes it's a virtue."
  6. Who said this line? "OK if it makes you feel any better, when we go on code 7 I'll pick up the check."
  7. Who said this line? "I stayed to clean up some paperwork. It was a warm evening so I walked across the street, grabbed a sandwich and went home."
  8. Who said this line? "When you get that many people together, pressures can mount and tempers wear thin. And sometimes a halo slips. That's when I start earning my pay."
  9. Who said this line? "There is, keep busting him until he takes a good fall."
  10. Who said this line? "Now you tell me, would you let your daughter marry a cop?"

Who said it: Sgt. Joe Friday or Officer Pete Malloy?

Your Result...

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Adamtwelvia 9 months ago
I got 100 percent! Some I just guessed at.
Mark 10 months ago
10 out of 10. Some of those I remembered from episodes of both series, a couple of them near the end were out-and-out narrations by Friday.
jerrygon 17 months ago
10/10 Love that Peter J Malloy.
Adamtwelvia jerrygon 9 months ago
I love them both.
TSeym22 17 months ago
3/10 Totally tanked. I thought I would recognize Pete (watch Adam-12, but not much Dragnet), but apparently not. 🙄
spalding69 17 months ago
10/10 Been watching Dragnet for 70 yrs. Adam 12 50 yrs.
SusanTammy 17 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
"This is the website, MeTV.com. There's plenty of good scores to be found, and plenty of bad ones to avoid." Nice job on this quiz!
Adanor 17 months ago
Technically speaking, since Jack Webb was the producer of both shows, those lines are all Jack Webb's lines.
RobertK 17 months ago
7 of 10. Not too bad considering they were almost all guesses!
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