8 things you never noticed in the M*A*S*H episode ''Good-Bye, Radar''

You might have missed these Dodgers references and Arabic insults.

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"Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" remains the greatest series finale in television history. It's not the only goodbye that brings tears to your eyes on M*A*S*H. The series was exceptionally skilled at farewells, beginning with the shocking departure of Henry Blake.

Another exit that never fails to tug our heartstrings is "Good-Bye, Radar," the final episodes with Gary Burghoff and his lovable character Radar. (The teddy bear stayed behind.) Look, when Potter cries, we cry. 

The two-part tale aired early in the eighth season. It was meant to be the finale for season seven. The network worked a deal with Burghoff to briefly return to his role for the Fall '79 season, at least through sweeps. 

Here are some more things you might not know about this brilliant piece of television.

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1. They took Radar's head out of the opening credits.

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For seven seasons, M*A*S*H began every episode with helicopters arriving over the mountains. Radar is the first to hear him — after all, that's why they call him Radar. The back of Gary Burghoff's head appeared as the first shot in those opening credits. At the start of season eight, Burghoff announced his departure from the show. The producers thus removed his head from the opening. In addition, in those first few episodes of season eight before "Good-Bye, Radar," the opening altered his credit to say, "Also Starring Gary Burghoff as Radar."

2. It is also the last episode with Zelmo Zale.

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Radar was not the only character to bid adieu in "Good-Bye, Radar." Johnny Haymer made his first appearance as Sergeant Zelmo Zale in season two, and was last seen at the 4077th in "Good-Bye, Radar: Part 1." The electrician character was known for manning the generator, which plays a major part in the sub-plot of "Good-Bye, Radar." Maybe he washed out after the generator failed?

3. It is the last time "Hot Lips" was uttered on the show.

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You call her "Margaret." Here's another lesser-known "Last" from that episode. The "Hot Lips" nickname was better associated with the MASH film and the character's depiction in the early episodes M*A*S*H. By this point in the series, Major Houlihan had evolved into a far deeper, headier character. In "Part 2," she kisses Radar, who then exclaims to Winchester, "Wow! Hot Lips!"

4. Klinger says, "You son of a dog!" in Arabic.

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Meanwhile, Klinger seeks a new generator. He nearly succeeds at one point, until Maj. George Van Kirk claims the machine. Klinger then "mutters in Arabic," according to the subtitles. He actually curses, "Yaibn al kalb!" That means "You son of a dog!"

5. Radar's love interest was also Rose's daughter on Golden Girls.

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Radar meets the love of his life while waiting in an air transfer hut. Lt. Patty Haven even loves Grape Nehi — that's how you know this is serious. After a mere hour together, he vows to find her following the war. Marilyn Jones, who charmingly played Patty, made her television debut in this episode. Seven years later, she turned up in an episode of The Golden Girls as Bridget Nylund, daughter of Rose (Betty White). Look for her in the episode "Family Affair."

6. "Patty Haven" was an ex-girlfriend of the screenwriter.

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Ken Levine was one of the masterful scribes in the M*A*S*H writing room. "Good-Bye, Radar" would also be his last episode for the series, along with co-writer David Isaacs. "We wanted to title the show 'Goodbye Levine & Isaacs' but CBS nixed it," Levine joked on his blog. He also admitted, "We named [Radar's love interest] Patty Haven, one of my former girlfriends."

7. Burghoff did not want to wear his hat in the end.

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Ken Levine also confessed that Radar's trademark cap became a sticking point in production. "Gary decided he didn’t want to wear his hat. This became a big issue and remains a sore spot with me to this day," Levine wrote in 2006. "Our contention was that without the hat he no longer looked like a kid, he looked like a balding man rocketing into middle age. Also, for reasons I still can’t fathom, he chose to play the character somewhat angry throughout."

8. There are characters named after L.A. Dodgers pitchers.

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Other minor characters in "Part 1" include "Sergeant LaGrow," "Private Hough," "Forster" and "Private Reuss." LaGrow hops aboard the crowded Jeep, forcing Radar off his ride. Longtime Los Angeles Dodgers fans might recognize the names. Terry Forster, Lerrin LaGrow, Jerry Reuss and Charlie Hough were all pitchers for the team in 1979.

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Lillyrose 22 hours ago
"Goodbye, Radar" were excellent shows. Although, I agree that Radar should have worn his hat. Not wearing his hat did make him look a lot older. And it was out of character for him to act so angry much of the time. But they were still good shows.
It was sweet that he met Patty Haven and hit it off with her. I full expected him to marry Patty Haven in the spin-off show WALTER. But that's not what happened. WALTER was a disaster from start to finish. What were the writers thinking?
WordsmithWorks 2 days ago
Radar's voice went down an octave in the show. Got a little nasal, too. I guess he wanted to appear as if he grew to be a man during his stint at the 4077th. Although, getting pushed out of the Jeep belied that a bit.
cperrynaples 2 days ago
Re 4: Shouldn't that be "mother of a dog"? Dog fanciers will understand that reference, everyone else will have to guess since I can't explain here...LOL!
Badge714 3 days ago
Burghoff pulled the classic McClean Stevenson-David Caruso move ... he left a highly successful career in a highly successful show and fell flat on his poor face. I always like Gary Burghoff as Radar, but just couldn't see him in anything else, probably like mostly everyone else. Jason Alexander/George Constanza the same ... guess that's the curse of a great TV show!
Blcakandwhitetvfan 3 days ago
I didn't think he did his character justice in the final episode. He was portraying someone who didn't want to leave, but appeared to be so disgusted he just wanted to get it over with. And why no send off for Zale? I didn't realize that was his last episode too. He had been on it a long time. They even gave Nurse Kelly a spotlight episode why not Zale?
Robersot 3 days ago
His voice was also different in that episode.
sagafrat69 3 days ago
I'm glad it wasn't just me who thought he looked a little grumpy in his final episode. He should've kept the cap on because he looked OLD and angry. Thank you Ken Levine for confirming my suspicions about his attitude. It really was time for him to go. In retrospect, it was probably time for all of them to go home. Levine and Issacs ( who went on to write for "Cheers") were the last two solid, talented writers the show had. Last few seasons were not very good minus a few here and there. Radar should've been part of the series finale.
GooberBeasley 3 days ago
Time to take mash off tv.
Badge714 GooberBeasley 3 days ago
Really? I see it as one of those shows you can dip into any time for a few laughs without watching a full episode. I'd be sad to see it pulled off TV.
MrsPhilHarris 3 days ago
I liked Radar in the movie where he was rather savvy. He was rather naive on the tv show. I agree he looked like a cranky, middle aged man at the end.
joycemeyers4077 27 months ago
Walter O'Reilly came as a boy and left as a man. He learned to run a MASH, and be the guy you could count on. His idyllic life in Iowa was shattered when his Uncle Ed died - a father figure because his own Dad had passed away when Walter was young. He saw war up close, personal. When Henry was killed it was VERY personal. Walter saw waste of human life, saw kids die that were his own age. That will change you. My Mom, a WW2 Army Nurse, talked about the boys she cared for that were the age of her younger brother. I can totally get behind Gary playing the character the way he did. It was brilliant and stands up decades later as a remarkable performance.
ChristineLocke 27 months ago
I think he played it as "angry" because he's now carrying a VERY heavy burden. He just learned his father figure uncle just died (whom he loved dearly!). He'd been running the family farm, which now fell on Radars shoulders. (This was why he got the automatic discharge.) That's an awful lot to face coming out of the service.

I agree with you 100% leaving the teddy bear also proves he left a man. He played his leaving perfectly in my eyes
VictorCalderone 37 months ago
I know Klinger stayed after the war was done, but did Father Mulcahy also stay with the orphans
Lily VictorCalderone 34 months ago
No. If you consider AfterMASH as a sequel, which it was, Mulcahy, Klinger and Soon Lee all moved to Missouri to work with Potter, who ended up going back to work in a hospital.
cperrynaples Lily 2 days ago
Yep, and Radar even made a visit!
hootrs23 38 months ago
it was time for him to leave the series. he was radar from the mash movie years before the tv series began. he was burnt out.
Dario hootrs23 32 months ago
Burnt out and fed up with the role. Burghoff did not want to exclusively known for M*A*S*H, and, he did not want to be stereotyped as Walter "Radar" O'Reilly forever, but it did, unfortunately.
kaziil 39 months ago
I remember in one episode that they reported Radar had died ( no not Henry) has any one else seen that one
Lily kaziil 34 months ago
No, but you might be thinking of Fallen Idol, season 6. Hawkeye convinces Radar to go into Tokyo for some R&R, and he ends up getting wounded and taken back to the 4077th.
DarrenLaughlin 41 months ago
I got 38 of 40. But I actually got 39. I accidentally pushed the wrong answer on the finales year I knew it was 1983 I just hit the wrong one. The other one was the name of the author of the MASH book. I didn’t know and guessed wrong. I have every episode recorded on vhs. My mother started recording the show and reruns in the early 80’s not to long after we got our first vcr. I just noticed though that a lot of the reruns I watched over the years have been so chopped up so they could put in more commercials. I started watching episodes on Hulu and they are complete. It’s like watching a new series. I am seeing parts of the show’s I have never seen before. It’s wonderful. Shame on networks that cut out parts of shows to add more commercials, they cut out scenes then parts of the episode make no since, it’s criminal.
Rob DarrenLaughlin 2 months ago
I agree. I also have Hulu and it's the only place that I watch MASH. It really is amazing, the amount of content that gets removed from each episode to make room for more commercials.
Same thing is done with movies. I saw Planes Trains and Automobiles at the cinema when it was brand new, yet there was an extended scene on the plane when I saw it on tv. I have the DVD and it has the truncated version I saw at the cinema. One would think the tv version would have been shorter. Go figure.
Well, we all the scene which ISN'T seen or at least not heard on network TV! Ironically, it's the funniest scene in the entire movie!
oldiesdude 43 months ago
Radar was a career soldier. So was LTC Blake, Maj Hoolahan and Maj Burns who were career officers. Blake would never go home. Radar either. Also who was the non-commission officer in charge. In the movie it was SFC Vollmer credited as sgt Maj. He had three stripes above 2 below thats SFC. He was also the voice on the loud speaker. There was no one that was liaison between the officers and enlisted in the tv series. As an retired SFC it is upsetting. My buddy was a SFC NCO IC of a CASH which they was that kind of mobile hospital 10 years ago. As retired military i just wanted to point that out. But, that is TV and I enjoyed the Show since it started. I bought the whole tv series on dvd and watch it all the time!!!!
TimChapman 43 months ago
"Hot Lips" was mentioned again tn the Are We Now Margaret episode
rycki1138 TimChapman 38 months ago
Are You Now, Margaret? aired two weeks before the first part of Goodbye Radar.
RedSamRackham 48 months ago
As a root-beer drinker I admired Radar as a non-drinker preferring Grape Nehi! ☺
Kahuna RedSamRackham 29 months ago
RADAR has had maybe 5 drinks with Hawkeye over the years, so he wasn't a total tea totaler.
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