A group of nuns once telephoned CBS to complain when an episode of Perry Mason didn't air

These nuns were DONE!

CBS Television Distribution

The beauty of television is that it can appeal to anyone. Take, for example, a show like Perry Mason. Viewers of the series come from all different walks of life to watch Raymond Burr stir up a storm in the courtroom, and for good reason.

A 1962 article from the Liverpool Echo revealed that some Perry Mason fans are more dedicated than others, and were willing to show that dedication when the situation called for it. The article recalled that a group of nuns from a California school became upset when an episode of Perry Mason had been put on hold on CBS in favor of a dramatic presentation.

While the series wasn't canceled by any means and would no doubt be returning to their televisions, the nuns felt it was important to voice their displeasure.

Reportedly, they all lined up at the phone box to place calls to CBS to complain.

While this devotion is impressive, it's important to note that such fervor went both ways. Raymond Burr was known to visit fans, including a child who was injured and in the hospital. For every person that loved Burr, he was there to respond in kind.

According to an interview with the Oakland Tribune, Burr called his behavior the "art of giving himself away." Not only did Burr argue that it was a necessary part of his career, he seemed to believe that it made him a better actor. "An actor wants to make the right move or intonation at exactly the right time," he said. "To do that I believe he must leave his life open, like a funnel, not become so wholly involved with himself that he is unaware of the things and people around him."

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George58 8 days ago
Raymond Burr sounds like he was an all around good guy who even stood by his co-actor William Talman when he was suspended during that one season. I too, wish the show had gone on for another season as it would appear that the 10th season would have been shot "in color".
StrayCat 10 days ago
Perry Mason was compelling, one of the finest programs ever on TV. It could have gone for at least another season, the cast was ready and willing. The tragedy for future generations was the onset of excessive commercials, which required around 10 minutes (almost 20%) to be cut from each episode.
Runeshaper 22 days ago
Those are some loyal fans right there!

Burr had a great attitude 😊
AgingDisgracefully 22 days ago
Moral of The Post: upset The Penguins at your peril.
McGillahooala 23 days ago
He sounds like a great guy. A lot of Hollywood types hate their fans. Glad to see he cherished his.
Well, we know one thing he didn't give away...LOL!
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