You can only save one of these Vincent Price characters — who will it be?
You can only choose one!

Everett Collection
There's no shortage of amazing Vincent Price characters, but if you had to choose, which one is your favorite? This might be our toughest survey of all time, and it's time for you to face your fears and choose your favorite Vincent Price role!
Professor Henry Jarrod from House of Wax or Paul Toombes from Madhouse?
The Inventor from Edward Scissorhands or Paul Adams from Dangerous Mission?
Frederick Loren from House on Haunted Hill or Sir Julian Markham from The Oblong Box?
Dr. Malcolm Wells from The Bat or Dr. Goldfoot from Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine?
Nicholas Medina from Pit and the Pendulum or François Delambre from The Fly?
Clifford Pyncheon from The House of the Seven Gables or Lord Edward Whitman from Cry of the Banshee?
Prince Prospero from The Masque of the Red Death or Felix Manderville from The House of 1,000 Dolls?
Dr. Anton Phibes from The Abominable Dr. Phibes or Edward Lionheart from Theatre of Blood?
Roderick Usher from House of Usher or Dr. Robert Morgan from The Last Man on Earth?
Dr. Erasmus Craven from The Raven or Don Gallico from The Mad Magician?

You can only save one of these Vincent Price characters — who will it be?
Your Result...
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Betty Boop - Symbols

Betty Boop - Zombie Pinup

Betty Boop - Camo Glamour

Betty Boop - Singing in N.Y.

Betty Boop - Auntie Boop

Betty Boop - Miami Beach

"70% similar to the most popular responses"
What about the vampire Count Sfoza on F-Troop, probably the hammiest of all the hammed up roles
of Price's career. Whatever they paid Price, the 'price was right' to do this very funny episode.
What about the vampire Count Sfoza on F-Troop, probably the hammiest of all the hammed up roles
of Price's career. Whatever they paid Price, the 'price was right' to do this very funny episode.
60%. All guesses. Vincent Price was a learned, gentle, and gracious man. I respected and admired who he was personally. I hated the movies.
Vincent Price is a horror legend, if I could I would save them all.
Thanks 🙏 Vincent Price is one of my favorite actors.
Thanks 🙏 Vincent Price is one of my favorite actors.