Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Otis Sues the County"

In which Otis brings a big city suit to Mayberry!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 15: "Otis Sues the County". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Barney: "Otis, why don't you just get it through your head that you are nothing but a _________!"
  2. Who saw Otis come in the night before?
  3. Otis says he hurt his knee playing football with his...
  4. Andy pretends he went on a date with...
  5. What's the name of the attorney who helps Otis sue the county?
  6. How much is the lawsuit for?
  7. Barney has a drink and calls Andy...
  8. A drunken Barney misdiagnoses Otis with a...
  9. Otis admits that he tripped over...
  10. What's the name for the head attorney of the county's legal department?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Otis Sues the County"

Your Result...

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paulbryars 10 minutes ago
9 out of 10! This is one of my favorite shows. Barney is in top form but I think Floyd steals the whole thing.
ColbysTonsorialParlor 3 hours ago
10/10. This just proves one thing. If you want a good quiz you gotta go to Mt.Pilot
NipIt 4 hours ago
9/10. Must of had an immediate liver reaction. 😂
Buzzyleonard NipIt 2 hours ago
I never drink alone when there's another man in the house.
He made me take a drink!
seltaeb 5 hours ago
The attorney was the same actor who played the pickpocket on another episode called "Guest of Honor"
He's a kleptominerack
Dandaniels 5 hours ago
7/10, you’re the flooower of my heaaaart, sweeeet aaaduuuuliiiine, sweeeeeeet aaaaaaduuuuuuuliiiiiiinnne 🥃
teire 5 hours ago
4/10. Had to guess on most of them despite seeing it many times.
Schpash 5 hours ago
7/10. I need to re-watch this one.
Buzzyleonard 6 hours ago
Floyd classic!
I'm the star witness.
Isn't that a nice man!
I wonder if he'd want to sell that suit?
Buzzyleonard 6 hours ago
Another good one.
Just goes to show you, if you want a good suit, you have to go to Mount Pilot!
I was just going to ask the same thing.
Zip 6 hours ago
Another good episode. A so-so quiz score.
Calhoun1959 6 hours ago
This was a funny episode. The only thing that Floyd cared about was getting a suit like Neil Bentley.
I've been looking for a suit like that.
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